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Gum Disease

Gum Disease Treatment For Columbia Residents

gum disease treatment columbia south carolinaPeriodontal disease, or what is most often called gum disease, is the primary cause of tooth loss and it is the number one disease in the world. It is estimated that more than 86% of the population of the United States has some form of gum disease, which ranges from mild gingivitis to more advanced periodontitis that affects all ages and not just senior citizens.

Gum disease most often has no warning signs. It can take several months or even years for the symptoms to develop. But once a person becomes aware of the symptoms, the disease is generally progressed past the early stages. There are some common warning signs of periodontal disease which include bleeding of the gums, red and swollen gums, receding gums, pain, loose teeth and bad breath.

Periodontal disease is the result of the chronic buildup of harmful and destructive plaque that contains bacteria under the gums and around the teeth. This bacteria can flourish inside the gum pocket that surrounds each tooth. This can result in chronic inflammation and infections which can erode away the jawbone. This infection can spread throughout the mouth which can weaken tissues and ligaments that surround your teeth.

Don’t Leave Gum Disease Untreated

If gum disease is left untreated, what started as a localized gum infection and inflammation will turn into unhealthy consequences and can affect other organs in your body. Your bloodstream can carry bacteria and mediators of inflammation throughout your body. These bacteria have been recognized as the root of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, pregnancy complications, certain cancers, as well as kidney disease.

How we treat your gum disease will depend upon the severity of it. The nonsurgical approach is used for cases that are moderate to mid-severe. Antibiotics are also used in the treatment of gum disease especially when infection has gotten out of control. Maintaining a good oral health program at home is extremely important to the prevention as well as the treatment of gum disease. This means you should be flossing, brushing and cleaning your teeth on daily basis. You should also make sure to visit your dentist every six months for checkups and cleanings.

With more than 86% of Americans suffering with some form of gum disease but only 3% of them getting treatment, it’s important to make sure that you have ongoing preventative care. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms we have mentioned, make an appointment with us right away so that we can stop gum disease from spreading further and possibly causing you other health issues.

If you suspect that you have gum disease, then call us today at 803-254-6763 foreign appointment and a consultation. A thorough exam of your gum tissue will help us to know whether you have gum disease are not and if you do how far along it has progressed. We will then come up with a treatment plan to get your gums healthy again and prevent other health problems.

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