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Dentures – Don’t Let Missing Teeth Spoil Your Smile

dentures columbia south carolinaMissing teeth has become a serious problem here in the United States. With so many people developing gum disease, they are losing their teeth at an alarming rate. When you lose your teeth, it creates a variety of oral health issues that you need to be concerned with such as bone loss. This can make your face look older than it really is. In addition, you can have trouble chewing your food or speaking properly.

What are dentures?

Dentures are removable appliances that are designed to replace all or some of your teeth. If they are replacing all of your teeth, it is called a full denture. If it is replacing just some of your teeth, then it is called a partial. A full denture is supported by the soft tissues in the mouth but are not as stable as they can be if they are placed on an implant. Partial dentures are supported in some cases by both the soft-tissue and the teeth or they can be supported by teeth or implants.

Full Dentures

This type of denture is made and then placed in a patient’s mouth whose gums and bone have fully healed after having all of their teeth removed. Impressions are taken to accurately measure the anatomy of the area on which the denture will rest. Many times, the denture teeth are set in wax so they can be adjusted in the mouth if necessary. Once the bite, fit and aesthetics are acceptable, the dentures are created and then adjusted until comfortable.

Immediate Dentures

This type of denture is designed in order that a patient doesn’t have to be without teeth during the healing period following the extractions. Dr. Gee will take impressions of the patient’s mouth before the teeth are removed. The denture is then made without having a try-in visit. These often require some adjustments and relining of the denture base in order to get a more comfortable fit. Since the bone and surrounding tissues are constantly reshaping after the surgery, periodic relines and adjustments are expected until full healing has taken place which is usually around six months. At this time, a custom fitted and complete denture can be made keeping the immediate one as a spare.

Implanted Supported Dentures

If you don’t like the denture slipping around all over your mouth or using denture sealants to keep them in place, then you may want to consider an implant supported denture.  Implants are placed into the arch and the denture is then snapped on to the implant to provide stability.

The other benefits of this type of denture is that you are able to chew foods much better as well as have a more youthful appearance.  No more dentures slipping and sliding around your mouth and no more goo to buy in order to hold them in.  It really is a great alternative to regular dentures.

If you have been considering dentures, then give us a call today at 803-254-6763.  We will would love to sit down with you and discuss your particular case and then map out a process to get you the smile you want and deserve.

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