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porcelain crowns columbia sc

Fixing Damaged Teeth With Crowns In Columbia, SC

Restore Your Smile With Porcelain Crowns

Columbia SC Dental CrownsSometimes people are born with different dental problems, however, most of them are the result of accidents, decay or other deficiencies.  Dentistry has advanced over the years to the point the we now have cutting edge technology and treatment options to help us treat whatever dental problems you have.  One of the ways we can fix damaged teeth is with porcelain crowns.  This is a beautiful way to give you a natural looking smile by using strong translucent materials like porcelain.

A crown has several uses.  Most of the time, it is used a to restore a tooth that has become severely weakened due to decay or trauma.  Crowns can also be used to treat teeth that are severely stained also.

One of the basic reasons a crown is used is because a filling is just not enough to fix the tooth.  A crown can reinforce a tooth and make it strong again.

It can also be used in conjunction with a fixed bridge.  Crowns are placed on either side of the missing tooth to provide a strong foundation for the restoration filling the area of the missing tooth.

What To Expect When Getting A Crown

When getting a crown, you would normally have to make at least two visits to the dentist. At your first visit, we will take the impression of the tooth and then send it to our dental laboratory.

You may get a temporary crown till the time your permanent crown arrives from the lab. Prefabricated crowns are usually used as a means for temporary restorations. Our crowns are made from very strong porcelain as it gives you not only a sturdy results but a beautiful one as well.

Although there are different materials that can be used for crowns and they are usually considered very strong and durable, metal and porcelain fused metal material is the strongest and is mainly used for molars. Because of the higher durability and tougher strength of crown materials, crowns are known to last for a long time and if cared for properly, they can last a lifetime.

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Even though most of the teeth that require crowns are usually decayed or damaged, a root canal is suggested most of the times for such teeth. A crown is placed on the tooth only after proper space has been made for it.

The dentist may resort to filing of teeth to make an impression of it. The impression of the tooth is taken after pushing the gum down with the help of a thread or a cord. The impression is taken out and sent to a dental lab which sends the crown back after 2 to 3 weeks. After the crown comes, it is placed on the damaged teeth with the help of dental cement.

You should be able to carry on with your life and work after having a crown fitted. If you are having any discomfort while chewing, there might be a problem with the fitting of the crown. Such problems usually occur when the crown and the tooth have a gap between them. We will easily be able to remove such defects. Although not usual, sometimes the crown comes out completely, in such a case, call our office and get an appointment.  Keep the crown that has come out in a safe and clean place.

If you have broken, chipped, cracked or discolored teeth, we can help and a crown may be the answer.  Give us a call today and let’s see if we can help.

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