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Fixing Crooked Teeth With Cosmetic Dentistry

Get Rid Of Your Crooked Teeth With These Treatment Options

Columbia Cosmetic DentistFor many years, people who had crooked teeth simply had to learn to live with it. As a result, most people suffered with various kinds of dental issues as well as the embarrassment the crooked teeth can cause.

Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can help online crooked teeth and do it on an outpatient basis. This makes getting the smile you’ve always wanted much easier than ever before.

If you are self-conscious about your smile, you now have several options beyond traditional braces to fix your crooked teeth. The following are some ways that cosmetic dentistry procedures can treat crooked misaligned teeth.


One of the most common ways crooked teeth can be fixed is with a very popular treatment option called Invisalign. This is a process that can take a few months up to year or more to complete depending on how crooked or misaligned your teeth are.

Invisalign is a set of strong and clear aligners that are removable and gently move your teeth over time. The aligners are normally changed out every two weeks until the treatment is completed.

After only a few short months, you will begin to see the changes in your teeth. The results of the treatment are beautiful and patients love their new smile.

Porcelain Veneers, Columbia, South Carolina

One of the most popular treatments for correcting crooked teeth or teeth that have become misaligned, his porcelain veneers. Veneers are very beautiful and can create a natural looking smile.

Veneers are normally applied to the teeth and just wanted her to sessions in the office. Sometimes, it requires removing a small portion of the teeth to ensure a perfect fit.

Veneers are small and very thin pieces of porcelain that are created to fit just over the surfaces of your teeth. They can be color matched in order to match the rest of your teeth.

Tooth Contouring

An inexpensive treatment for correcting crooked teeth is called to contouring or reshaping. This is a procedure where the Dennis scrapes off a portion of your existing tooth enamel and then bonds a compound or a veneer directly onto the tooth.

Afterwards, the dentist will sculpt and shape the sides of the new tooth and the existing ones. This will allow the smile to look complete and uniform.

Accelerated Orthodontics – Braces for Adults

For those who don’t want the lengthy periods of treatment that comes with traditional orthodontics and even Invisalign, we offer an accelerated option called Six-Month Smiles. As the name suggest, treatment is generally completed in six months or less.

Using clear brackets and tooth colored wires, Six Month Smiles straightens only the teeth you see when you smile. They are hardly visible from a conversational distance.

If you have crooked teeth and you’re looking for a way to correct that problem and get the smile you’ve always wanted, they give our office a call today and will be glad to assist you in getting the smile of your dreams.

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