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Smile Reconstruction

Smile Reconstruction For Columbia, South Carolina Residents

smile reconstruction columbia south carolinaWe have patients that come into our office and have poor oral health due to a number of reasons. Some of them have experienced traumatic injuries while others have years of neglect or ill-fated heredity. This is why smile reconstructions sometimes involve an emotional component as well as the treatment options to fix specific cosmetic conditions.

Here in our office we take the utmost care in order to help each patient feel comfortable and anxiety free when talking about restoring their smile. The decision to have a complete smile reconstruction is invaluable to our patients as they will walk away with a new smile and restored confidence about their appearance.

When a smile restoration is necessary it involves careful planning and attention to detail in order to achieve a highly aesthetic, healthy, functional and long-lasting result. Every smile restoration is accompanied by systematic and unique plan that is tailored to each patient and their particular needs. Often, a variety of treatments are used to achieve optimal results for each patient.

The Effects of Poor Oral Health

Having poor oral health can affect you in a very negative way and affect your overall physical well-being. This becomes more evident as we get older and as our bodies become vulnerable to several medical conditions and health problems. They can range from:

  • A poor bite which can result in the inability to chew or have painful joints and muscles
  • Bone loss that is a result of missing teeth
  • The inability to chew which can result in poor nutrition and digestive disorders
  • Physical conditions like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, cancer and problems during pregnancy

It’s never too late to consider getting your teeth and oral health restored. Neglecting dental problems can have serious effects later own in your life.

No matter what the cause, if you have or suffer with a result of complex dental problems, Dr. Gee and his team have the expertise and the ability to reconstruct your smile and restore back superior health, cosmetics and function. Here’s years of experience and advance professional training translate into patients having confidence that their smile and oral health will be the best it’s ever been.

Dr. Gee knows that when you have a beautiful smile, you will feel great about yourself and have a renewed confidence. All of this can be done with a very comfortable and anxiety free approach to smile restoration.

No matter how complex your dental condition we can help you achieve and maintain exceptional oral health. Call us today at 803-254-6763 to set up a consultation about restoring your smile.

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